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News & Events


Works Committee Electons 2022

At c2o, we practice inclusion and strongly believe that everyone should be heard despite the designation. Our Works Committee Elections 2022 were a massive success!

The elections were held in an attempt to create an environment where equality thrives. These elections are a part of a transparent process where employees have the freedom to vote for a trusted representative who is responsible for resolving their problems at work. It was an absolute delight to see customer services representatives eagerly vote for their favourite candidate.

Happy employees. Happy customers!

Web Parallax 0001 Tree Plantation

c2o Goes Green

Planting trees can help save the Earth from climate change and biodiversity loss. When we restore and conserve critical forests, we remove carbon and support biodiversity.

Alot can change in a lifetime, including the planet we live on. For better, or for worse. But we have the power to restore balance. Helping our planet is bigger than us, but it starts with each of us. At c2o we plant and protect, to help our planet thrive.


c2o Digital Creating Beautiful Experiences!

We have it all under one roof. From industry-leading digital design, powerful content marketing tricks and development to maximised social media strategies to effective PR campaigns, our goal is to actualise the client’s needs and desires delivering bottom-line results and superior ROI.

Get your free trial today. Call +44 1902 921650

Works Committee Elections 2022



At c2o, we practice inclusion and strongly believe that everyone should be heard despite the designation. Our Works Committee Elections 2022 were a massive success!

The elections were held in an attempt to create an environment where equality thrives. These elections are a part of a transparent process where employees have the freedom to vote for a trusted representative who is responsible for resolving their problems at work. It was an absolute delight to see customer services representatives eagerly vote for their favourite candidate.

Happy employees. Happy customers!

c2o Goes Green

Web Parallax 0001 Tree Plantation


Planting trees can help save the Earth from climate change and biodiversity loss. When we restore and conserve critical forests, we remove carbon and support biodiversity.

Alot can change in a lifetime, including the planet we live on. For better, or for worse. But we have the power to restore balance. Helping our planet is bigger than us, but it starts with each of us. At c2o we plant and protect, to help our planet thrive.

c2o Digital Creating Beautiful Experiences!



We have it all under one roof. From industry-leading digital design, powerful content marketing tricks and development to maximised social media strategies to effective PR campaigns, our goal is to actualise the client’s needs and desires delivering bottom-line results and superior ROI.

Get your free trial today. Call +44 1902 921650

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What Our Client Say

Trusted by more than 31 customers

We were nervous about outsourcing our overflow calls and live chats but c2o made it extremely easy. The agents quickly learned our system and they have dealt with our customers quickly efficiently and professionally from day one. I would definitely recommend.
They are very reliable and do a great job. c2o team is committed to transparency and finding ways to address any obstacle that they meet. By working in partnership with c2o we have been able to achieve savings of approximately 60% without any erosion to the customer experience.
During challenging times for our business, this service enabled us to save considerable costs without having to compromise service delivery. Service quality is paramount to us and this has been delivered professionally from the agents to the management and support teams that are available 24/7.
To cut costs, we wanted a call centre with real time engagement and customer support. Glad we chose this company as our customer retention rate has increased.
We have been working with them for over 3 years and our company has grown exponentially with the help of their services.
The onboarding process is very professional. All the instructions were given beforehand and explained in detail.